THIS GUIDE WAS CREATED TO HELP YOU AROUND YOUR FIRST HOURS AND DAYS IN TOXIKK. It lists lots of useful information for learning the movement, shows the MXP unlocks for Free Edition and Full Game players, helps troubleshooting tech issues and shows you the way to get in touch with the community.THINK SOMETHING IS MISSING? LET US KNOW IN THE FORUM
The movement in Toxikk is both, easy to learn and hard to master. The moment you fire up the game for the first time, you instantly understand how to move around in its world. But there's just so much more to it than what meets the eye. The following video shows some of the movement tricks in the game: THE MOVEMENT MODEL IN TOXIKK follows the 'Easy to learn, hard to master' formula: From its basic W,A,S,D to PRESS SPACE TO JUMP. Everything works as expected.
But there's so much more to it...
Movement is inspired by UT2K4's dodge and double-jump model (which was dropped by Epic after UT2K4 ...and never returned to). Many say it might have been 'too easy to learn, and a bit too hard to master'. But creating a skill based FPS, skill doesn't end at aiming.In short, the movement in TOXIKK can be described as an evolved dodge and double-jump based model. E.g. unlike back in UT2K4, your velocity is not reset after a double or dodge jump, which allows for highly fluid movement combos.
This doesn't mean anything to you?
No problem, because we got this nice movement tutorial for you:
TOXIKK's tutorial may seem a bit challenging for someone new to the game, but once you learn the basic movement, you'll be able to easily master it. The tutorial map (First Impact) is designed openly to allow for alternative routes diverging from the main route (even more difficult but a lot faster). When you've REALLY mastered the movememnt, you should be able to complete the tutorial map in less than 30 seconds. Don't believe it? Watch this video (Professional player on a closed course. Attempt at your own risk!): Keep in mind that it takes a lot of practice to use alternative routes in the tutorial (as shown in the video). For a start, make sure you reach the goal on the top of that constellation. It doesn't matter how and how fast. Simply read the instructions on the signs and watch the demo videos inside the map, and you should easily complete the course.
The ultimate hint for the tutorial is: DON'T RUSH IT. There is an ocean of game-knowledge to learn from that map, but it will be a too overwhelming experience, if you try to not only complete it, but also go for the fastest time. Finish it, then come back later to improve your pace.

As many of you know, the Free Edition of TOXIKK does not have any gameplay relevant disadvantages versus the Full Game. However, most maps need to be unlocked through MXP in the Free Edition. What maps unlock at what MXP count in the FREE EDITION? FIND OUT HERE


The FULL GAME offers many cool features over the FREE EDITION (play the single-player "Contracts", access to the Bootcamp, an in-game server browser, custom workshop content, host your own private matches with one click etc.). One of these benefits is the customization system. You can unlock many new armors, helmets and camouflage skins. What items unlock at what MXP count in the FULL GAME? FIND OUT HERE

2.3 - RANKS

Ranks and Steam achievements are unlocked through MXP. FREE EDITION players keep their ranks and MXP if they convert to the FULL GAME and can the use their gained ranks and MXP to customize their character. What ranks unlock at what MXP count?

But if you have questions beyond that, want to arrange matches or simply want to meet the community, make sure you check out our live chat Discord server, where the majority of our community hangs out: MEET THE COMMUNITY NOW: